Words Of Wisdom: Active April

During Active April, the Prestige Inhome Care team welcomed Dr Jim McDonald to share his knowledge on the benefits of daily exercise.

He is well known to Melbourne’s Bayside community, having founded Bluff Road Medical in Sandringham in 1987, which grew to become South East Melbourne’s largest medical practice.

April 28, 2023

Dr McDonald has worked all over Australia as a rural locum and continuously returned to remote Western Australia to provide medical services to isolated and Indigenous communities. 

He has delivered over 4,500 babies and trained countless GP registrars over the years.  In 2015 he was awarded the Order of Australia for his service to Medicine as a general practitioner. Dr McDonald has five children, two of who are well known to the Prestige community – Nick McDonald (CEO) and Thea McCroary (COO).

We questioned Dr McDonald on all things exercise and health.

At what age should you be exercising?

“Exercise at every age is the best investment in your health.  I am 76 years old and I do 1.5 hours of physical activity every day. Not everyone can manage that, whether due to busy lifestyles or physical capacity, but even a small exercise routine or walk is better than nothing at all.

Exercise is the best thing you can do for your health. Smoking is the worst thing you can do!”

What conditions can be prevented or managed with being active?

“Cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hypertension, neurological disorders, even general stress.

Doing exercises that improve your strength and balance are very important to help with falls prevention.  A serious injury can be avoided if you have the strength and can react to save yourself from completely falling or even tripping. Strong limbs is the difference between a break and a bruise.

Exercise is also good for mental health.  There is a lot of evidence that supports how regular activity and time outdoors can improve your mental wellbeing.”

How can busy people work exercise into their day?

“It is very important to be able to maintain ‘functional fitness’. As we get older we should put effort into being healthy and strong enough to carry out every day activities. I do weights to make sure I have enough strength to carry two suitcases. When my wife and I went overseas, I did some weight training to make sure I’d be able to lift our suitcases to the over-head shelves on planes and trains.  

No matter how busy you are, or whatever your lifestyle, or how many kids you have, you need to make time to exercise. 

Do more ‘passive exercise’ every day. Use stairs, walk to the local shops instead of using your car, mow your own lawn instead of getting a gardener.  If you don’t like to exercise, there are many ways you can maintain an active life without going to a gym or doing a class. Find the right activity for you.  It’s the best thing you can do for your health.”

How can Prestige help clients keep active?

Clients should begin by talking with their GP about exercises and activities that are appropriate for them.  Their carer can help them prioritise these activities and work them into their routine, and also identify community connections that can assist with this.