LASA Excellence in Age Services Awards

February 25 was an exciting night for Prestige Inhome Care, who was invited to the Tri-State Conference Dinner in Albury, for the LASA Excellence in Age Services Awards presentation. Prestige Inhome Care was awarded a finalist position in the Organisation category.

March 3, 2020

The evening brought together a collection of awe-inspiring individuals, teams, organisations and Next Generational leaders who have pioneered communication, mentoring and innovative programs in aged care. Amongst the organisations invited to represent Victoria, Prestige Inhome Care was awarded a finalist position in the Organisation category.

In an aim to promote and recognise excellence across the diverse and dynamic fields of the age services industry, the awards celebrate the passion and achievements of organisations, teams and individuals in the service of older Australians. The awards also seek to increase public confidence and community involvement in aged care and services.

The awards will be judged at a state level across the five categories with winners from each state progressing as finalists to the national awards. The national awards will be announced at the LASA National Congress 2020.

We wish to congratulate all winners and finalists of the 2020 LASA Excellence in Age Services Awards so far. Together, our contributions to the development of high-level support and innovation in aged care serve to protect and enhance the health and well-being of all older Australians.

Tamara accepting Finalist LASA award
Organisation Award Finalist Victoria and Tasmania