Program Manager Jasmine explains the types of support Prestige provides to people with a disability.

As a registered National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provider, Prestige Inhome Care can support people who are living with a disability, in building or maintaining their independence within their own homes and communities.

November 26, 2021

As a registered National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provider, Prestige Inhome Care can support people who are living with a disability, in building or maintaining their independence within their own homes and communities.

Jasmine, Prestige Inhome Care Aged Care and Disability Program Manager says:

“The types of disability support we provide covers everything up to 24-hour around-the-clock care.

We can also provide quite complex clinical care requirements in the home, and disability related health supports.

There are not too many providers that have experience of that (disability related health supports). Prestige does this really well.”

To ensure Prestige delivers the highest level of care and support: “We’re happy to work with other organisations too, like hospitals, support coordinators and other providers to ensure our staff are trained on those disability related health supports,” says Jasmine.

Prestige Inhome Care can also provide support coordination directly to a client. “Support coordination provides a holistic approach to care. It ensures that an NDIS participant has all their support needs taken care of,” says Jasmine.    

To learn more about Prestige Inhome disability support services, visit our NDIS page. Or call our friendly team on 1300 10 30 10 today.