Our Community
Kaz, a cherished carer with Prestige Inhome Care for the past eight years, was recently given the “all clear” after her breast cancer battle. She has a unique perspective on both surviving cancer and the important work she does as a carer, which she’s eager to share.
Amid his 90th birthday celebrations, Prestige Inhome Care's client Ronald reflected on his well-travelled life and the path that brough him to where he is today. Ronald’s family treasure the time they spend with him, and go all out with a birthday party each year. The celebrations even include a live band, so he can enjoy a singalong. Ron, who recently turned 90, loves that his family go to extra lengths to make his day special.
Kelly also highlights the invaluable difference timely care can make in the lives of those living with a life-limiting illness: “When we intervene and support people [in managing their symptoms], we find their quality of life improves, and they often have a much longer extension of life than they first expected.” Watch Kelly’s video here. To […]
Watch Janine’s video here. To learn how we at Prestige Inhome Care work with palliative care teams like Cabrini Health Palliative & Supportive Care Service to provide tailored palliative care to people living with a life-limiting illness, click here.
Our inaugural International Women’s Day (IWD) Luncheon, on March 2, at the Brighton Beach Hotel, was a celebration of extraordinary women.
Tracey had been working in an office job for decades, but two years ago, with some encouragement from her daughter, Tracey decided to ‘make a complete change’ and chase after a career that would give back to the community.
With 20% of the population expected to be aged over 65 within the decade, and 76% of Australians aged over 60 preferring to retire in the comfort of their own home, the demand for home care workers is higher than ever.
After experiencing the loss of a loved one, Li asked herself: ‘What can I do to enjoy life? How can I give something back?’
“Naturally I gravitated to home care,” says Li.
At Prestige Inhome Care, we believe everyone deserves the opportunity to spend the last stages of their life, in their own home, surrounded by the people and things they love most.
We also understand the challenges of supporting a loved one with a life-limiting illness.
Every day we aspire to find the joy, even when we’re not physically together.
To celebrate the little things that have made our extended time at home so much brighter, we asked our Prestige family to share their pets and plants with us and tell us how they’ve brought joy – something that’s so important for our health and wellbeing – to their time in lockdown.
Have you ever thought about becoming a Dementia Friend?
Dementia Australia’s Dementia Friends initiative is a program to raise awareness of dementia in our community.
The Australian Government is encouraging Australians looking for a diverse and rewarding job to consider care and support work in a new national campaign: A Life Changing Life. The campaign features real life carer / senior Australian relationships.